We act for the future

In every way

When a fam­i­ly busi­ness has been es­tab­lished and con­tinu­ously grow­ing for more than 130 years, sev­er­al suc­cess factors come in­to play. One of them is the con­sist­ent ori­ent­a­tion to­wards the fu­ture. With our port­fo­lio and our ser­vices in the Labor­at­ory and In­gredi­ents busi­ness units, we con­trib­ute to mak­ing people's lives bet­ter for our cus­tom­ers, wheth­er in sci­ence and re­search or in the de­vel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion of in­nov­at­ive food, bever­ages or cos­met­ic products.

Suc­cess ob­lig­ates re­spons­ib­il­ity

For five gen­er­a­tions, our busi­ness re­la­tion­ships have be­come in­creas­ingly glob­al. At the same time, we are a me­di­um-sized, fam­ily-run com­pany. That is why we see it as our re­spons­ib­il­ity to build a sus­tain­able, so­cial, eco­nom­ic and eco­lo­gic­al eco­nom­ic struc­ture for all those in­volved in the value chain.

Our ori­ent­a­tion to­wards the fu­ture ob­liges us to leave a stable basis for life and work for fu­ture gen­er­a­tions.

Th. Geyer re­spects the cul­tur­al, eth­ic­al, re­li­gious, so­cial and polit­ic­al di­versity of na­tions and so­ci­et­ies.

In 2010, we de­cided to firmly an­chor our claim in a Code of Conduct. In it, we define our stand­ards for a so­cial and eco­lo­gic­al en­vir­on­ment. Th. Gey­er is guided by in­ter­na­tion­al guidelines and leg­al texts: The United Na­tions Glob­al Com­pact, the reg­u­la­tions of the International La­bour Or­gan­isa­tion (ILO), the eco­nom­ic notes of the OECD and the Charter of Fun­da­ment­al Rights of the European Uni­on. These guidelines en­sure that the Th. Gey­er Group op­er­ates in a sus­tain­able, so­cially re­spons­ible and re­source-con­serving man­ner throughout the en­tire value chain.

Lived Sus­tain­ab­il­ity

Written documentation on the Code of Conduct alone does not ensure sustainability. That is why we ensure in our corporate communications that all employees of the Th. Geyer Group and our suppliers have access to the Code of Conduct. We consistently expect our business partners to share these principles and take them into account in their own corporate policy. In this way, we live sustainability at all locations and in the global business relationships of the Th. Geyer Group.
Code of conduct of Th. Geyer
Code of conduct for suppliers

Sus­tain­able be­come bet­ter

Stand­ing still is not an op­tion. We know that we can im­prove every day in our so­cial and eco­lo­gic­al ac­tions. And we are do­ing more and more to achieve this: we pro­mote the work-life bal­ance, we sup­port en­vir­on­ment­ally con­scious mo­bil­ity, we take care of pre­ven­tion and aware­ness-rais­ing for the per­son­al health of our em­ploy­ees, we re­duce CO2 emis­sions when de­liv­er­ing ordered goods to our cus­tom­ers, we in­creas­ingly rely on en­ergy from re­new­able sources, we re­duce pa­per con­sump­tion and pack­aging waste, and much more. Feel free to con­tact us if you would like to learn more about our sus­tain­able ac­tions.

Our next steps

Transparency is an important criterion for sustainable action. This includes, for example, our work on the first Th. Geyer sustainability report and the targeted assessment by EcoVadis. We have summarised all of this for you in a one-pager.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact nachhaltigkeit@thgeyer.de.