Labor­at­ory plan­ning and as­sembly

We plan and cre­ate the op­tim­al labor­at­ory en­vir­on­ment for you and your team. Those who know Th. Gey­er as a sup­pli­er of labor­at­ory equip­ment will be sur­prised at what else is in­cluded in our range of ser­vices: cus­tom­ised plan­ning and as­sembly. Wheth­er you want to in­stall new en­ergy-ef­fi­cient fume cup­boards, plan a com­plete labor­at­ory or need ex­ten­sions with lab con­tain­ers - as our cus­tom­er you have ac­cess to plan­ning ex­perts, top ad­vice and the best man­u­fac­tur­ers from a single source, who set stand­ards in qual­ity, and sus­tain­ab­il­ity.

La­bo­ra­to­ry plan­ning

Our ex­perts com­bine your very in­di­vidu­al re­quire­ments with the com­pon­ents for safe and ef­fi­cient work­flows. Wheth­er it's an ex­ten­sion or a com­pletely new build­ing: a tail­or-made plan is cre­ated, tak­ing in­to ac­count all re­quire­ments for rooms, tech­no­logy and oc­cu­pa­tion­al health and safety. With CAD soft­ware, we make your labor­at­ory vis­ible from the very be­gin­ning. De­tailed plan­ning in­cludes sup­ply lines and trans­fer points for me­dia. We take in­to ac­count the ex­ist­ing tech­nic­al in­fra­struc­ture and show you the po­ten­tials, for ex­ample, to re­duce en­ergy con­sump­tion and op­tim­ise your labor­at­ory un­der eco­nom­ic and eco­lo­gic­al as­pects.

Always near you

Our la­bo­ra­to­ry plan­ning ex­perts look for­ward to ad­vi­sing you per­so­nal­ly, in­di­vi­du­al­ly and comp­le­te­ly without ob­li­ga­ti­on.

De­liv­ery and in­stall­a­tion

Both are car­ried out in ac­cord­ance with the room concept and at your de­sired time. If ne­ces­sary, mod­ern­isa­tion of ex­ist­ing labor­at­or­ies is car­ried out in such a way that on­go­ing op­er­a­tions are af­fected as little as pos­sible. Dur­ing this time, tem­por­ary re­lo­ca­tion to labor­at­ory con­tain­ers can also be an op­tim­al in­ter­im solu­tion. By the way, con­tain­ers are also suit­able as a per­man­ent solu­tion for ex­pand­ing your labor­at­ory space. They can be com­bined to form en­tire build­ings and, with all the ne­ces­sary in­stall­a­tions in­side and out, can be real­ised in a re­l­at­ively short time.

Whatever solu­tion you need: We co­ordin­ate the as­sembly of the fur­nish­ings, the in­stall­a­tion of the peri­pher­al equip­ment and are per­son­ally avail­able to you at all times. In this way we en­sure the qual­ity, the agreed agreed budget and sched­ule un­til you ac­cept your in­di­vidu­al labor­at­ory. On the agreed date, we hand over your new or mod­ern­ised labor­at­ory to you and put the labor­at­ory equip­ment in­to op­er­a­tion. To en­sure that you can rely on the flaw­less func­tion­ing of the new fur­niture and equip­ment at all times, we of­fer you main­ten­ance work and cal­ib­ra­tion ser­vices, for ex­ample, as a ser­vice.

Info bro­chure
Laboratory furniture and equipment

Our range of ser­vices for your labor­at­ory equip­ment at a glance.

La­bo­ra­to­ry fur­niture

From chairs to safety cab­in­ets: we have everything for your fur­nish­ings.

Lab equip­ment made to mea­su­re

From plan­ning to your labor­at­ory of the fu­ture - from a single source through us.

Ref­er­ence projects

A small se­lec­tion of what we have already real­ised for cli­ents.