Consumables & Lab Equipment

Top products from LABSOLUTE®

The LABSOLUTE® brand stands for

  • Strictly controlled production
  • Top quality at attractive prices
  • Wide product range with regular additions

An absolute must in your daily work is to rely on the quality of laboratory apparatus and equipment. But then again, there is always a need to keep an eye on the budget when purchasing laboratory consumables and equipment.
With LABSOLUTE® products you're on the safe side in every respect.

LABSOLUTE® always has the right product for you – whether you’re looking for general laboratory accessories or specific laboratory supplies for occupational protection and safety technology, analytical measurement and testing, liquid handling or Life Science.

Of course, you can choose and or­der all LAB­SOLUTE® products on­line at your con­veni­ence in our Shop.

For chromatography you will find a wide range of vials and caps suitable for all common autosamplers as well as other LABSOLUTE® brand accessories in our catalogue.

To the products

we’re pleased to help!

Do you have any questions regarding our current or planned products, suggestions or ideas for improvement? Do you need more information? Simply send us a short e-mail. Our Product Management Team looks forward to hearing from you.

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Consumables and chemicals - 390 pages
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Feedback form for LABSOLUTE® test samples

In or­der to con­stant­ly im­pro­ve our LAB­SO­LU­TE® pro­gram­me, we would li­ke to ask you for a short feed­back on the samp­le you ha­ve re­cei­ved.

Plea­se gi­ve the form to your re­sponsi­ble con­ta­ct per­son in sa­les or send it to us by e-mail to pml­ab­so­lu­te@th­ge­y­ Thank you very much!

Download the LABSOLUTE® Feedback Form