Flavours for beverages

Convincing taste for your ideas

No matter whether tea, coffee, beer, juices, spirits or soft drinks – our flavours give your products the desired taste.

As your industry partner, we accompany the process from your product idea to the market-ready end product and are happy to support you with our flavour expertise. The comprehensive selection of versatile product solutions in proven quality enables you to take the first step towards the successful development of your products.

Our flavour portfolio

More than 1500 flavours for various beverage applications

Premium Flavour Selection
Flavours for beverages

In our Premium Flavour Selection (PFS), we have compiled the most relevant flavours, extracts and distillates for beverages from our comprehensive portfolio.

More flavours
No suitable product found?

In addition to the Premium Flavour Selection, we offer thousands of other flavours for a wide range of applications.

Feel free to contact us and find out more about our flavour portfolio!

Application areas and properties

Flexibility and consumer-friendly declaration

A wide variety of declaration options and the selection of liquid and viscous flavours for beverages meet both the individual market needs and the technical requirements of the individual beverage applications.

By offering even smaller volumes on demand, we provide you with the necessary space for creativity and individuality. The experienced application technicians in our own laboratories and a trained regulatory team support you in the technical and regulatory development of your beverage application.

Healthy and functional flavours

We supply you with innovative ingredients that support a conscious and healthy lifestyle. As consumers become more health conscious, there is also an increasing demand for beverages that are less sweet, contain few calories and little to no alcohol.

When the sugar content of beverages is reduced, it affects the overall taste profile, mouthfeel and emotions associated with a sweet taste. Our taste-balancing solution symlife™ helps you to significantly improve the taste of reduced-sugar products.

In addition to reduced-sugar drinks, functional drinks enriched with nutrients or minerals are also becoming increasingly popular.

Vanilla – Our strength

Vanilla is a very central ingredient in sweets and dairy products, but vanilla flavours also play an important role in beverages. A light taste of vanilla can be found in cola, for example, while in other cases, such as liqueurs or coffee, a strong and impressive vanilla note is applied.

With the vanilla flavours of the inspiring vanilla™ brand from Symrise, many product solutions for numerous beverage applications are available from the market leader.

Citrus on everyone's lips

The freshness and versatility of citrus fruits have made them a popular raw material in the food and fragrance industry. The flavour of citrus fruits is popular in many beverages and is used all over the world.

Our partner Symrise is pioneering the development of citrus flavours from natural sources. To extract and isolate a particular scent or flavour, you need to understand exactly what makes that fruit so valuable, unique and desirable.

To do this, Symrise has invested in new technologies and created the inspiring citrus™ brand, which allows our customers to experience the world of citrus in all its dimensions.



This Regulation lays down rules on flavourings and food ingredients with flavouring properties for use in and on foods with a view to ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market while providing a high level of protection of human health and a high level of protection of consumers, including the protection of consumers‘ interests and fair practices in food trade, taking due account of the protection of the environment.

Possible scenarios for your product declaration








100 %

from the named

100 % natural

>= 95 % from
the named
source, easily

(flav. subst.
and/or preparation)

< 95 % from
the named
source, easily

(flav. subst.
and/or preparation)

100 % from
different source

to source
materials does
not reflect the

Flavour with

EU labelling
  • Natural (x) flavouring
  • Specific name
  • Natural flavouring

Scenario 2,3 or
4 also possible,
if applicable

  • Natural (x) flavouring
  • Natural (x)
    flavouring with
    other natural
  • Natural flavouring
  • Flavouring
  • + Smoke flavouring
    (if contained)
  • Natural strawberry flavouring
  • Strawberry distillate
  • Orange oil
  • Vanilla extract
  • Vanilla extract
  • Natural flavouring substances vanillin
  • Natural flavouring substances (strawberry taste)
  • Natural honey flavouring
  • Natural honey flavouring WONF
  • Natural fruit
    flavouring WONF
  • Natural strawberry
    flavouring WONF
  • Natural flavouring (strawberry taste)
  • Natural flavouring (multifruit taste)
  • Vanilla flavouring
  • Flavouring
  • Flavouring, smoke flavouring

Symrise statement “Labelling Scenarios”, July 2019

1Official Journal of the European Union (DE_Version of 31.12.2008) -
REGULATION (EC) No 1334/2008 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on flavourings and certain food ingredients with flavouring properties for use in and on foods in and on foods and amending Council Regulation (EEC) No 1601/91, Regulations (EC) No 2232/96 and (EC) No 110/2008 and Directive 2000/13/EC

Are you looking for solutions

to make your beverages more attractive

Contact us! Our beverage experts will be happy to answer all your questions about our flavour portfolio.

Request for product solutions