Th. Geyer brands

The strong trio for your labor­at­ory

As a spe­cial­ist labor­at­ory re­tail­er, we of­fer you an al­most lim­it­less se­lec­tion of products. You already know that you have ac­cess to the best man­u­fac­tur­ers and brands from a single source. But we have even more to of­fer: Our strong own-brand trio has in­ter­est­ing al­tern­at­ives for you when it comes to con­sum­ables, labor­at­ory chem­ic­als and life sci­ence products.

And the same ap­plies to all three brands:

  • Pro­duc­tion un­der strict con­di­tions
  • Top qual­ity at an at­tract­ive price
  • Already more than 5,000 items
  • The range is con­stantly be­ing ex­pan­ded with new products

If you are not yet fa­mil­i­ar with our own brands, why not try them out? Our team of ex­perts in product man­age­ment knows your needs and will be happy to provide you with samples on re­quest.

You will see: With the same qual­ity, you can save money when pur­chas­ing your labor­at­ory sup­plies.

Our spe­cial tip: In the LAB­SO­LU­TIONS bro­chure and in the di­git­al Life Sci­ence Spe­cial you will reg­u­larly find at­tract­ive pro­mo­tion­al of­fers - in­clud­ing spe­cial prices for se­lec­ted items from our Th. Geyer brands. Would you like to find out more about the private la­bel trio? Click here for more de­tails about the in­di­vidu­al brands.

Life Science Products
Laboratory chemicals
Consumables & chemicals catalogues