Order chemi­cals for your la­bo­ra­to­ry

Choose CHEMSOLUTE® Quality

First-class laboratory chemicals, reagents and solutions – the perfect solution for your laboratory

If you’re ordering chemicals, always think of CHEMSOLUTE®

The brand offers you a wide range of first-class products.

The per­fect selec­tion of che­mi­cals for your de­man­ding la­bo­rato­ry tasks:

La­bo­rato­ry che­mi­cals from A-Z, mea­su­ring so­lu­ti­ons, in­di­ca­tor so­lu­ti­ons, chro­ma­to­gra­phy rea­gents and much mo­re. You can or­der all of the­se con­ve­ni­ent­ly in our web­shop.

To the CHEMSOLUTE® product range

All CHEMSOLUTE® products are suitable for laboratory use. The large majority of products

  • meets the requirements according to Ph. Eur., ACS or ISO standards
  • maximum reliability in terms of labelling, packaging and transport
  • supplied with detailed specifications

Of course, you can choose and or­der all CHEM­SOLUTE® products on­line at your con­veni­ence in our Chem­ic­als Shop.

We are glad to be there for you!

Do you have ques­tions about cur­rent or planned products, sug­ges­tions or ideas for im­prove­ment? Do you need fur­ther in­form­a­tion?

Send us a short e-mail. Our product man­age­ment team looks for­ward to hear­ing from you.

Contact now

Green Chemistry

We support the concept of Green Chemistry and the growing awareness of the environmental impacts of chemical products and their production processes.

Our Green Solvents support progress along the path towards greater sustainability and safety.

Besides obvious “green” solvents such as water and ethanol, CHEMSOLUTE® contains “green” alternatives to commonly used solvents..

CHEMSOLUTE® Green Solvents

Consumables and chemicals - 390 pages

online catalogue

open PDF file


For chromatography, you will find a large selection of optimal solvents of the CHEMSOLUTE® brand in our catalogue.

To the products

CHEM­SOLUTE® custo­mised solutions

Do you have a special need that is not included in our wide range of ready-to-use standard chemicals? Then the new service of CHEMSOLUTE® Customised Solutions is just the right thing for you. We produce chemicals to meet your specific needs.

Learn more

Feedback form for CHEM­SOLUTE® sample test

In order to improve our CHEMSOLUTE® program, we would like to ask you for a short feedback on the sample that you have received from us.

Please return the filled out form to your sales representative or send it to us by e-mail to pmchemsolute@thgeyer.de.
Thank you!

Download the CHEMSOLUTE® feedback form