We accept no liability for and offer no guarantee that the information supplied is up to date, correct or complete.
REACH stands for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. This new EU regulatory framework for Chemicals centralises and simplifies chemicals legislation throughout Europe and entered into force on 1st of June 2007.
Chemicals in volumes of 1 t/a or more must only be manufactured or imported if they have previously been registered and evaluated. Particularly hazardous materials have to undergo an authorisation process.
Substances with properties of very high concern may be subject to authorisation.
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes a list of substances that may require authorisation.
This list is known as the candidate list. This list is regularly updated and expanded. Substances that become subject to authorisation are listed in Appendix XIV of the REACH Regulation.
These substances cannot be placed on the market or used after a given date, unless an authorisation is granted for their specific use or the use is exempted from authorisation.
REACH provides that information is communicated from the manufacturer via the distributor to the user, and vice versa. One of the most important instruments for this are the safety data sheets.
Safety data sheets must comply with the REACH Regulation from 1 June 2007 onwards. Existing safety data sheets, however, do not need to be modified automatically.
Once registration is complete, additional information is included in the safety data sheet (e.g. the registration number); if necessary, an "extended safety data sheet" is drawn up which includes exposure scenarios
Downstream users have to inform their supplier if they have new information on the hazards of the substance or the risk management advice is not appropriate.
Our suppliers are working toward registration of the substances that are within the scope of REACH. Intended uses, our suppliers have identified, should be covered by registration.
You as a downstream user are entitled to provide information regarding the uses of a substance, which enables the registrant to include these uses in the chemical safety assessment. Th.Geyer as a distributer will pass this information to the next actor up the supply chain. If “identifed uses” are regarded as safe after the chemicals safety assessment, they will be included in the registration dossier.
The implementation of the REACH Regulation is of extreme importance for the Th. Geyer Group. As a distributor, we are aware of the obligations arising from communication within the supply chain.
Our manufacturers will arrange registration of the uses for which our manufacturers' substances are intended. Certainly, our manufacturers are not aware of all possible uses. We offer you the option of sharing your uses with us, so that we can pass this information on to our pre-suppliers. A questionnaire is available for this. The questionnaire is based on the system developed by the European Chemicals Agency ECHA, which structures the current different uses of substances and preparations into the various industrial sectors and standardises the descriptions of these uses. This "Use Descriptor System" is based on five separate categories. Each category has pre-defined descriptors (use descriptions) that, in combination with each other, allow a brief description of the use.
The five main categories are:
Information on this subject can be found on the Internet. We recommend:
ECHA info for Chapter R.12: Use descriptor system (external link)
If you wish to share your uses with us, please download the Excel file below to your system. When completing the Excel file, please bear in mind the following:
You MUST insert your customer number and our article number. If any data is missing, we will be unable to process your information and we can´t communicate the data within the supply chain.. If you use one article for multiple uses, one row must be completed for each use. Please sent the completed file to holtmann@thgeyer.de.
Information from
the Reach CLP Helpdesk at the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Occupation Medicine (BAuA, Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin)
Tel. +49 231 9071-2971 (BAuA information centre)
Fax. +49 231 9071-2679
E-mail: reach-clp@baua.bund.de