
Competent and personal support

Al­ways be­ing close to you and sup­port­ing you in­di­vidu­ally with com­pet­ence:
That is part of our philo­sophy. That is why all ex­perts in our cus­tom­er ser­vice have spe­cial qual­i­fic­a­tions and ex­per­i­ence in the labor­at­ory sec­tor. Our sales team is made up of field staff and of­fice staff. Fixed con­tact per­sons from both are as­signed to you. This en­sures that you re­ceive re­li­able, com­pet­ent and per­son­al sup­port in every con­tact, wheth­er on site, by tele­phone or by e-mail.

We want you to be able to con­cen­trate fully on your ac­tu­al tasks in your hec­tic daily labor­at­ory routine - we will take care of everything else. You can find out which branch is re­spons­ible for you here.

[Translate to English:]
Labor­at­ory plan­ning & as­sembly
Re­quest in­di­vidu­al ad­vice now

Are you think­ing of ex­pand­ing, mod­ern­ising or building a new labor­at­ory?

Our ex­perts will be happy to give you non-bind­ing ad­vice and, if you wish, provide you with a con­crete of­fer from labor­at­ory plan­ning to in­stall­a­tion and op­er­a­tion.

Certified and first-class quality

When it conserns your labor­at­ory, you must be able to rely one hun­dred per­cent on your part­ners and sup­pli­ers when it comes to qual­ity.

That's why we es­tab­lished our qual­ity man­age­ment sys­tem back in 1998 and are, of course, cer­ti­fied to ISO 9001:2015.

Th. Geyer - certified according to ISO 9001:2015

We an­swer your ques­tions!

Our em­ploy­ees look for­ward to your ques­tions, sug­ges­tions and re­quests.

Whatever you have in mind - the pro­cure­ment of products bey­ond the range shown, the as­sump­tion of ser­vices such as the sourcing of spe­cif­ic art­icles, ad­vice from qual­i­fied spe­cial­ists or the in­di­vidu­al full sup­ply of your labor­at­or­ies - just con­tact us!