Th. Geyer attaches particular importance to personal advice and support. That is why we are present in the countries listed here with our own competent contacts or represented by qualified distribution partners. For all other countries without direct representation, our experienced export team is available to answer your questions and meet your needs in the areas of laboratory and ingredients.
Filter by division and country and find the desired contact details of our trade partners.

4-6 Dornierstr.
Renningen, 71272
Phone: +49 800 4393 784

Im Wesertal 11
37671 Höxter-Stahle
Phone: +49 5531 7045-0

Mrs. Ieva Alaine
Malduguņu iela 4
LV-2167 Mārupe
Phone: +371 29641457
Baltic States

Export Department
4-6 Dornierstr.
Renningen, 71272
Phone: +49 7159 1637-823

Budafoki út 187-189
1117 Budapest
Phone:+36 (1) 785 2686

Ballybritt Upper Industrial Estate, Monivea Road,
Galway, Ireland
H91 K7H9
Phone: +353 91 770577

Woodland Office Suites, 2nd Floor
Woodland Road Off Lenana Road
P.O. Box 75964-00200
Nairobi Kenya
Tel: +254 720 410 188

Postcode area 1000 - 6999

Postcode area 1000 - 6999

Postcode area 1000 - 6999

Postcode area 7000 - 9999

Mr Bartosz Kedzia
Phone: +48 655 119 638

Ms Diana Liarmakopoulou
Phone: +30 211 5553327

Ms Raluca Feroiu-Nasoi
Telefon: +40 21 232 14 35

Mr Paolo Frigerio
Phone: +39 039 2050103

Stanislav Milchev
Mobile: +359 885 941 247

Ms Mouna El Hannaoui
Phone: +212 661495553

Mr Munir Bawalsa
Phone: +962 6552 36512

Ms Patricia Espuig
Phone: +34 687842290

Mr Tamer Abwini
Phone: +971 48876058

Mr Ramy Bastawros
Phone: +20 38642114

21 Via Bosco
S. Prospero (MO), 41030
Phone: +39 059 808 101
Fax: +39 059 908 556

1054 Via S.Pietro Martire
Pontecchio Polesine (RO), 45030
Phone: +39 0425 492644

58 Rua Silva Evaristo
Moita, 2860-462
Phone: +351 212898314

2668/1 Bořetická Str.
Prag, 19300
Phone: +420 281 091 460
Fax:+420 281 866 264

8 Sichovyh Strilciv str.
Brovary, 07400
Phone: +380(800)5027070

161/2 Ap.14 Grenoble Str.
Phone: +373060309090

2668/1 Bořetická Str.
Prag, 193 00
Phone: +420 724 235 118

34 Muitines str.
Vilnius, LT-03114
Phone: +370 601 57127

Ginio Crossing Mall
181 Arcturus Road
Kamfinsa, Harare

31 Brnčičeva str.
Ljubljana-Črnuče, 1231
Phone:+386(0)1 563 41 00

18 Pascalweg
WV Echt, 6101
Phone: +31(0)475 729 460

28 İstoç
93-95-97-99 Mahmutbey - Bağcılar / İstanbul
Phone: +90 0 212 659 54 00
Fax: +90 0 212 659 53 00

1. Nº 7 Polígono Parsi. c/ Parsi
Sevilla, 41016
Phone: +34 954 516 182
Fax: +34 954 255 812

16 Handelsstrasse
Eupen, 4700
Phone: +32 (0) 87 - 59 51 7
Fax: +49 7159 1637-710

4 rue Képler
La Chapelle-sur-Erdre cedex, 44241
Phone: +33 (0)2 40 93 53 53
Fax: +33 (0)2 40 93 41 00