The plus for la­bo­ra­to­ry sup­plies

Service so­lu­ti­ons for your ideas

We supply more than just the desired products for your la­bo­ra­to­ry: As a partner, we are at your side in every phase of your purcha­sing. Our customer service supports and ac­com­pa­nies you from personal con­sul­ta­ti­on to in­di­vi­du­al IT inter­faces for your procurement pro­ces­ses and logistics to technical support. We want you to be able to concentrate fully on your actual tasks in the hectic daily la­bo­ra­to­ry routine - we will take care of every­thing else. Because Th. Geyer's standards go far beyond the sup­ply of consumables, equipment, che­mi­cals, life science products or furnishings for your la­bo­ra­to­ry.

Lab furniture

From plan­ning to your labor­at­ory of the fu­ture - from a single source through us.

Manu­facturer portfolio

The Th. Geyer product range includes a wide variety of products from leading manufacturers and brands for all your laboratory needs.

Th. Geyer brands

From samples to customized solutions: Our own brands BIOSOLUTE®, CHEMSOLUTE®, LABSOLUTE® simply offer more at a top price.


If your needs go beyond our standard chemicals, CHEMSOLUTE®'s Customized Solutions service is perfect for you. We custom manufacture chemicals for you.


We are per­son­ally close to you for any re­quest, also for samples or demo units


For your e-pro­cure­ment we have everything from elec­tron­ic cata­logues to ERP in­ter­faces.


In what quantities may chemicals be produced or imported, how should they be registered? Here you will find all the facts about European chemicals legislation.

Logistics & Returns

Our ser­vices go far bey­ond the fast, safe de­liv­ery of your ordered products.

Maintence & repair

Your lab equip­ment needs to be checked? A piece is broken? We have the solu­tion for everything.