
In­nov­a­tions for op­tim­al pro­cure­ment pro­cesses


Our pun­chout catalogue al­lows dir­ect con­nec­tion to any ERP or catalogue sys­tem via Open Cata­log In­ter­face (OCI) or Com­mer­cial Ex­tens­ible Markup Lan­guage (cXML). Up-to-date product data is trans­ferred to your sys­tem via a pun­chout con­nec­tion. Your pro­cure­ment pro­cess then con­tin­ues in your in­tern­al sys­tem. The fi­nal re­leased or­der can be trans­ferred to us via EDI, if ne­ces­sary.

Your ad­vant­ages at a glance:

  • You have ac­cess to the cur­rent data at any time
  • Your in­di­vidu­al prices are dis­played - your dis­count is already in­cluded
  • You can define spe­cif­ic ap­prov­al work­flows
  • You or the end users only ac­cess the art­icles defined in the frame­work agree­ment and or­der in their fa­mil­i­ar work­ing en­vir­on­ment

The as­sort­ment can be dy­nam­ic­ally and quickly tailored to your needs.


Elec­tron­ic cata­logues

We are glad to sup­port you in sim­pli­fy­ing the pro­cure­ment pro­cesses in your com­pany. We work with cata­logue ex­change formats such as BMECat, Ex­cel and CIF or clas­si­fic­a­tion stand­ards such as UN­SPSC as well as oth­er spe­cif­ic formats. This means that you or your end users can or­der dir­ectly in their nor­mal work­ing en­vir­on­ment and with their in­di­vidu­al, in­tern­al ap­prov­al work­flows.

Of course, re­gard­less of this, we cre­ate cost centre-re­lated eval­u­ations for you at any time, which give you a quick over­view of the users' con­sump­tion.

We will be glad to ad­vise you!

Would you like more in­form­a­tion about our IT busi­ness solu­tions for your elec­tron­ic pro­cure­ment? Would you like to in­teg­rate Th. Gey­er as a sup­pli­er in­to your ex­ist­ing sys­tem? Simply use the con­tact form for your en­quiry or get in touch with your con­tact per­son in cus­tom­er ser­vice. Our team of ex­perts for e-pro­cure­ment will be happy to ad­vise you and will also have the right, in­di­vidu­al solu­tion for your labor­at­ory pur­chas­ing.