Biosolute® Life Science Products

The brand for special la­bo­rato­ry needs

The es­ta­blis­hed brand duo has be­co­me a trio: With our third own brand BIO­SO­LU­TE®, we of­fer you pro­ducts for spe­cial needs in the life sci­ence sec­tor.

Sin­ce No­vem­ber 2023, we ha­ve be­en gra­dual­ly con­ver­ting our pro­ducts for the fiel­ds of mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, mole­cu­lar bio­lo­gy, cell cul­ture and his­to­lo­gy from CHEM­SO­LU­TE® to the new own brand.

BIO­SO­LU­TE® stands for

  • bet­ter ori­en­ta­ti­on and ea­sier selec­tion in our con­stant­ly gro­wing pro­duct ran­ge
  • ar­ti­cles spe­cial­ly tailo­red to your re­qui­re­ments in the life sci­ence la­bo­rato­ry
  • mo­re than 700 ar­ti­cles that can al­re­a­dy be or­de­red in our web­shop
  • pro­ducts from mi­cro­bio­lo­gy, mole­cu­lar bio­lo­gy, cell cul­ture and his­to­lo­gy
  • con­sis­tent­ly high qua­li­ty, at­trac­tive pri­ces and re­lia­ble avai­l­a­bi­li­ty
  • in­no­va­ti­ve so­lu­ti­ons, e.g. cu­st­o­mi­zed ar­ti­cles
  • Th. Gey­er's ma­ny years of ex­per­ti­se in the life sci­ence sec­tor


The new lo­go and the new la­bels ma­ke the new brand ea­si­ly re­co­gniz­able - this ap­plies not least to the pro­ducts con­ver­ted from the CHEM­SO­LU­TE® brand. And for all tho­se who ha­ve al­re­a­dy or­de­red the­se pro­ducts in the past, the­re is fur­ther good news: the ar­ti­cle num­bers, packa­ging si­zes, da­ta sheets and do­cu­men­ta­ti­on for the­se pro­ducts re­main the sa­me. And, of cour­se, this al­so ap­plies to the top qua­li­ty. Our team of ex­perts will be hap­py to help and ad­vi­se you. BIO­SO­LU­TE® - you should al­ways think of this brand when it co­mes to purchasing your life sci­ence la­bo­rato­ry supplies.


Dis­co­ver the wi­de ran­ge of BIOSOLUTE® pro­ducts in our web­shop.


BIOSOLUTE® articles for various applications in microbiology and histology at special prices.

Microbiology brochure

Top selection of microbiological culture media and supplements for your laboratory requirements.

Download PDF file

We are here for you!

Do you ha­ve any ques­ti­ons about cur­rent or plan­ned pro­ducts, sug­ges­ti­ons or ide­as for im­pro­ve­ment?
Do you need fur­ther in­for­ma­ti­on?

Send us a short e-mail. Our pro­duct ma­nage­ment team looks for­ward to hea­ring from you.