
We are al­ways close by with in­gredi­ents
and labor­at­ory sup­plies

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Here you can find all our locations of our business units Ingredients and Laboratory.

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Th. Geyer Laboratory

Situ­ated in the middle of the Stuttgart eco­nomic region, Renningen is the ideal lo­ca­tion. The ma­nage­ment and cent­ral de­part­ments are lo­ca­ted in Renningen.

As a central storage and logistics centre for laboratory chemicals and reagents, our customers are supplied with these products extremely effectively from here. Our laboratory logistics centre for hazardous substances, consumables and equipment is located in Höxter, Konrad-Reitz-Str. 5.

As a com­pany headquar­ters and lo­gis­tics lo­ca­tion, Renningen's con­ve­ni­ent lo­ca­tion is of de­cisi­ve import­ance. The im­me­dia­te pro­xi­mi­ty to the Leonberg motor­way junc­tion (A8/A81) means con­nec­tions in both west-east and north-south di­rec­tions. Stuttgart Air­port and the New Trade Fair Centre can be reached in less than 30 minutes.

Th. Geyer GmbH & Co. KG
4 – 6 Dornierstr.
Renningen, 71272

Th. Geyer Ingredients an logistics centre laboratory

Loc­ated in the middle of the Höxter Busi­ness Park, the east­ern­most city in North Rhine-West­phalia, Th. Geyer In­gredi­ents sup­plies your cus­tom­ers throughout Europe from the centre of Ger­many.

The im­me­di­ate prox­im­ity to Sym­rise, one of our most im­port­ant sup­pli­ers, of­fers an enorm­ous ad­vant­age.

The new, state-of-the-art hazardous materials warehouse is also located in Höxter-Stahle. Together with the warehouse for consumables and equipment, there is now a highly modern laboratory logistics centre.

From the west, you can reach us from Paderborn via the well-de­veloped fed­er­al road 64 after ap­prox. 45 km. From the south – com­ing from the A7, you can reach us from Kassel in about 50 km.

Ap­prox. 70 km to the north is the city of Hannover, from where you have a dir­ect con­nec­tion to the A2 mo­tor­way. Pader­born air­port can be reached in ap­prox. 60 minutes and Hanover air­port in ap­prox. 90 minutes.

Th. Geyer Ingredients GmbH & Co. KG
11 Im Wesertal, Höxter, 37671, Germany

Logistics centre laboratory:
5 Konrad-Reitz-Str., Höxter, 37671 Germany

Th. Geyer Laboratory

The Hamburg loc­a­tion rep­res­ents Th. Gey­er in the north. We suc­cess­fully serve our cus­tom­ers from Hamburg with con­tinu­ity, re­li­ab­il­ity and spe­cial com­mit­ment.

The Th. Gey­er GmbH & Co. KG branch in Ham­burg is loc­ated in the Lan­gen­horn district, close to the air­port and not far from the A7 mo­tor­way.

Pres­ence and the mo­tiv­ated sales team in the of­fice and in the field form the basis for the in­tens­ive and pos­it­ive co­oper­a­tion with our cus­tom­ers.

Th. Geyer GmbH & Co. KG
Hamburg branch office
14 Oehleckerring
Hamburg, 22419

Warsaw (Poland)
Th. Geyer Laboratory

Since the be­gin­ning of 2018, Th. Gey­er has been present in Po­land with its own sub­si­di­ary. The com­pany is based in Warsaw. The vi­brant met­ro­pol­is and cap­it­al is a sym­bol for the growth mar­ket in Po­land.

Warsaw is there­fore also the ideal base for provid­ing cus­tom­ers in the labor­at­ory sec­tor throughout the coun­try with Th. Gey­er's en­tire product and ser­vice port­fo­lio. To this end, the team of ex­perts has ex­cel­lent mar­ket and in­dustry know­ledge with many years of ex­per­i­ence and con­sult­ing com­pet­ence.

Th. Geyer Polska Sp. z o.o.
22A Czeska
Warsaw, 03-902

Ballerup (Denmark)
Th. Geyer Laboratory

Th. Gey­er has been ope­ra­ting success­fully in Denmark with its Ballerup lo­ca­tion since 2008. Whether in the in­dus­tri­al or sci­entif­ic-uni­versity sec­tor - Th. Gey­er Skand­inavi­en ApS of­fers know-how and a lot of service for its cus­tom­ers.

With a lot of com­mit­ment, ex­per­i­ence and a wide range of products, our Dan­ish colleagues work success­fully in their coun­try. Ballerup, about half an hour away from Copen­ha­gen and its air­port, is the ideal base and start­ing point to serve our cus­tom­ers in Den­mark.

Th. Geyer Skandinavien ApS
2B Borupvang
Ballerup, 2750

Malmö (Sweden)
Th. Geyer Laboratory

With Th. Geyer Skandinavien AB, foun­ded in sum­mer 2012, our Swedish custo­mers be­ne­fit from more than 130 years of tra­ding ex­pe­ri­ence in che­mi­cals, la­bo­ra­to­ry con­su­mables and life sci­ence.

Es­tab­li­shed struc­tu­res, func­tion­ing lo­gis­ti­cal pro­ces­ses and a lot of ex­pe­ri­ence - on this basis, our Swedish branch gua­ran­tees its custo­mers a high level of ser­vice ori­en­ta­ti­on. Of course, this is com­bi­ned with a huge se­lec­tion of renowned branded ar­ti­cles, which are avail­able through Th. Geyer at fair prices and in­de­pen­dent of ma­nu­fac­tu­rers.

Th. Geyer Skandinavien AB
Poststugan 3012
Malmö, 211 65

Zug (Switzerland)
Th. Geyer Laboratory

In 2022, Th. Gey­er also foun­ded a sub­si­dia­ry in Switzerland. The com­pany is based in Zug.

Th. Geyer Swiss AG is happy to be your part­ner when it comes to con­su­ma­bles, equip­ment, che­­mi­cals and re­agents, life sci­ence products and plan­ning or fur­nish­ing for your la­bo­ra­to­ry.

Th. Geyer Swiss AG
172 Chamerstr.
Zug, 6300

Th. Geyer Ingredients

MY­AC Fleis­ch­tech­no­lo­gie GmbH, based in Ri­et­berg, has been part of Th. Gey­er Ingredients since 2020. 

The company has stood for in­nov­at­ive and op­tim­ised pro­duc­tion pro­cesses in saus­age and meat pro­duc­tion since 1977. MY­AC of­fers a broad product port­fo­lio and nu­mer­ous ser­vices for product ap­plic­a­tions such as cooked cured meats & brat­wurst, raw ham and poultry.

MYAC Fleischtechnologie GmbH
6 Ludwig-Erhard-Str.
Rietberg, 33397

Th. Geyer Ingredients

Bress­mer & Francke (GmbH & Co.) KG has been part of Th. Gey­er In­gredi­ents, based in Norderstedt, since 2020.

As an IFS-cer­ti­fied sup­pli­er of vari­ous fats and oils, the com­pany forms a key func­tion in the pro­duc­tion of food. The di­verse port­fo­lio con­sists of ve­get­able oils and fats, cer­eals and ex­trud­ates, among oth­ers.

Bressmer & Francke (GmbH & Co.) KG
37 Gutenbergring
Norderstedt, 22848

Cairo (Egypt)
Th. Geyer Ingredients

The sub­si­di­ary THG Ingredients Egypt LLC, foun­ded in 2022, ex­clu­si­vely dis­tri­bu­tes to­bac­co fla­vou­rings from our part­ner Symrise for the Egyp­ti­an mar­ket.

Ramy Bastawros, a lo­cal sales em­ployee, is cur­rent­ly working there.


THG Ingredients Egypt LLC
Industrial Zone, extension of Third Zone
Engineering square workshop L18-L16
6th of October

Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
Th. Geyer Ingredients

THG Ingredients Middle East FZE was founded in 2016 and spe­cia­li­ses in trading products for the food, beverage, tobacco and pharmaceu­ti­cal industries. The team now comprises 9 employees and is our partner for the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa). Thanks to its own ware­house, THG Ingredients can supply local custo­mers quickly and flexibly.

THG Ingredients Middle East FZE
Office #1510 Tower A
Jebel Ali Free Zone
United Arab Emirates

Riga (Latvia)
Th. Geyer Ingredients

In order to strengthen its presence in the Baltic States, Th. Geyer Ingredients SIA was founded in Riga, Latvia, in 2023.

This new company and the takeover of Aran OÜ, based in Estonia, are intended to provide customers in the Baltic States with even closer and more direct support and to exploit logistical synergies for the three Baltic States.

Th. Geyer Ingredients SIA
Malduguņu iela 4
Mārupe, Mārupes novads