
Regional trade fair 2024

23.10 – 14.11.2024



We ho­pe to be ab­le to wel­co­me and ad­vi­se you per­so­nal­ly at tra­de fairs again in 2024. The­re­fo­re, we will be on site for you as an ex­hi­bi­tor at LAB-SUPP­LY, the re­gio­nal tra­de fair for in­stru­men­tal ana­ly­sis, la­bo­rato­ry tech­no­lo­gy, la­bo­rato­ry che­mi­cals and bio­tech­no­lo­gy/life sci­en­ces.

In ac­cor­dance with the LAB-SUPP­LY mot­to of pre­sen­ting hands-on la­bo­rato­ry tech­no­lo­gy, we will in­form you in a prac­tical, com­pe­tent and per­so­nal man­ner about in­no­va­ti­ons from our com­pre­hen­si­ve port­fo­lio for all la­bo­rato­ry needs: con­suma­b­les, equip­ment, fur­nis­hings as well as che­mi­cals and life sci­en­ce products.

Our ex­perts look for­ward to your vi­sit. If you would li­ke to ar­ran­ge an ap­point­ment in ad­van­ce, plea­se send us an e-mail sta­ting the lo­ca­ti­on of the tra­de fair and your pre­fer­red date or to­pic. We will then get in touch with you as so­on as pos­si­ble.

Ad­mis­si­on is free for all dates.

In­for­ma­ti­on on how to get the­re or on par­king fa­ci­li­ties for each in­di­vi­du­al tra­de fair date can be found he­re.

Th. Geyer will be present as an exhibitor at these date:

Wann: Wo:
23 October 2024 Messe Freiburg
14 November 2024 MesseHalle Hamburg-Schnelsen

For more information on venues, please visit the website:

To the Lab-Supply locations