Welcome to the world of Ingre­dients

Th. Geyer Ingre­dients in the Middle East and North Africa

We are very happy to welcome you to our new website.

Every­thing you already associate with THG Ingredients can now be found here: The es­tab­li­shed selec­tion from our port­fo­lio, the well-known services and the familiar contacts. You will also benefit from all the in­for­ma­tion that the tra­di­tio­nal family business Th. Geyer provides online under one roof.

About THG Ingredients

THG Ingredients Middle East FZE was founded in 2016 and is specialized in sup­ply­ing our very own pre­mi­um qua­li­ty in­gre­dients for food, beverage, tobacco, and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal industries. Our tai­lo­red pro­ducts and exemplary services are said to be our out­stand­ing hall­marks toward the global market. We are tied up with the most re­li­able and de­di­ca­ted partners whose main goal is to stretch the boundaries of taste and bring you the flavor of nature.

The company is member of the Th. Geyer Group and re­pre­sents the family company Th. Geyer in the MENA region (Middle East and North Africa), operating in the Jebel Ali Free Zone in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.Thanks to its own warehouse, THG Ingredients can sup­ply local cus­to­mers quickly and fle­xi­bly. Our team is delighted to be supplying your ideas – far beyond distribution.  

Product portfolio
Raw materials, blends, services and innovation
Catalogues, brochures, forms & certificates
Far beyond distribution

THG Ingredients Middle East FZE
JAFZA One, Office # 1510 Tower A Jebel Ali Free
Zone Dubai, UAE, P.O. BOX: 263887
Tel: +971 4 8876058
Fax: +971 4 8876059