Laboratory coats


 Erlenmeyer flasks, with standard ground joint, borosilicate glass 3.3


The LABSOLUTE® Erlenmeyer flasks with a durable volume scale are made of high-quality borosilicate glass 3.3 and are therefore extremely temperature-resistant up to 500 °C. The wide-neck and narrow-neck flasks, as well as the flasks with standard ground joint comply with the valid standards. The flasks are resistant to cold lyes/alkaline solutions and strong acids, with the exception of hydrofluoric acid and hot, concentrated phosphoric acid....

 Round bottom flasks, with standard ground joint, borosilicate glass 3.3


LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks made of high-quality borosilicate glass 3.3 comply with the valid standards. They are available in different volumes and have the common ground joint sizes. All LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks are characterized by very good chemical and temperature resistance. Because of the round shape, the flasks are ideal for consistent heating of liquids. Due to the standard ground joints, the flasks can be easily combined with other glass labware such as condensers....

 Pear shaped flasks, with standard ground joint, borosilicate glass 3.3


The LABSOLUTE® one neck pear shaped flasks are made of high-quality borosilicate glass 3.3 and therefore extremely temperature-resistant up to 500 °C. The flasks comply with DIN 12383. They are resistant to cold lyes/alkaline solutions and strong acids with the exception of hydrofluoric acid and concentrated, hot phosphoric acid....

 Flat bottom flasks, with standard ground joint, borosilicate glass 3.3


LABSOLUTE® one neck flat bottom flasks are made of high-quality borosilicate glass 3.3 and therefore extremely temperature-resistant up to 500 °C. The flasks comply with the standard DIN EN ISO 4797. They are resistant to cold lyes/alkaline solutions and strong acids with the exception of hydrofluoric acid and concentrated, hot phosphoric acid. Because of the round shape the flasks are ideal for a consistent heating of liquids. The flat bottom guarantees a secure stand on the lab bench. Due to the standard ground joint the flasks can be easily combined with several other glass labware like condensers, etc....

 Two neck round bottom flasks, side neck 20°, borosilicate glass 3.3


LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks made of high-quality borosilicate glass 3.3 comply with the valid standards. They are available in different volumes and have the common ground joint sizes. All LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks are characterized by very good chemical and temperature resistance. Because of the round shape, the flasks are ideal for consistent heating of liquids. Due to the standard ground joints, the flasks can be easily combined with other glass labware such as condensers....

 Three neck round bottom flasks, side necks 20°, borosilicate glass 3.3


LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks made of high-quality borosilicate glass 3.3 comply with the valid standards. They are available in different volumes and have the common ground joint sizes. All LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks are characterized by very good chemical and temperature resistance. Because of the round shape, the flasks are ideal for consistent heating of liquids. Due to the standard ground joints, the flasks can be easily combined with other glass labware such as condensers....

 Three neck round bottom flasks, side necks parallel, borosilicate glass 3.3


LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks made of high-quality borosilicate glass 3.3 comply with the valid standards. They are available in different volumes and have the common ground joint sizes. All LABSOLUTE® round bottom flasks are characterized by very good chemical and temperature resistance. Because of the round shape, the flasks are ideal for consistent heating of liquids. Due to the standard ground joints, the flasks can be easily combined with other glass labware such as condensers....

LLG-Spitzkolben 50 ml NS 14/23, Boro 3.3


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LLG-Spitzkolben 25 ml NS 14/23, Boro 3.3


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 Beute Erlenmeyer con giunto normalizzato, DURAN®


Conformi DIN EN ISO 4797 e in aggiunta allo standard (*) DIN, con scala (circa volume/ml), con etichetta per iscrizioni....

 Palloni a fondo tondo con giunto conico normalizzato, DURAN®


Conformi DIN 4797 e in aggiunta allo standard (*) DIN, con etichetta per iscrizioni....

 Beute erlenmeyer, cono NS, vetro Borosilicato 3.3


Vetro borosilicato 3.3. Conformi DIN EN ISO 4797. I coni NS rispettano gli standards DIN 12242. Le inscrizioni sono in smalto bianco che è particolarmente indicato per uso su vetro....

 Palloni a fondo tondo, vetro borosilicato 3.3


Resistente al calore e a quasi tutti i prodotti chimici. Secondo la norma DIN EN ISO 4797. I bordi rinforzati sono utilizzati per evitare rotture durante il lavaggio e il trasporto....

 Palloni a fondo piatto con giunto conico normalizzato, DURAN®


Conformi DIN EN ISO 4797e in aggiunta allo standard (*) DIN, con etichetta per inscrizioni....

 Palloni fondo piatto, cono NS, vetro Borosilicato 3.3


Resistente al calore e praticamente a tutti i prodotti chimici. Conformi DIN EN ISO 4797....

 Palloni forma a pera con giunto conico smerigliato, DURAN®


Conformi DIN 12383 e in aggiunta allo standard DIN, con etichetta per scrittura....

 Palloni a fondo sferico con tre colli, angolati, con giunto in vetro smerigliato, DURAN®


DIN 12394 ed in aggiunta allo norma DIN (*). Con 2 colli laterali obliqui inclinati 20°. Coni smerigliati normalizzati....

 Palloni a fondo sferico a tre colli, colli laterali paralleli, DURAN®


DIN 12392 ed in aggiunta standard DIN (*). Tutti i colli sono paralleli....

 Beuta per determinazione dello Iodio, con e senza collare, DURAN®.


  • Senza collare di sovra-flusso, con tappo esagonale vuoto cono NS29/32
  • Con collare di sovra-flusso e tappo per iodio NS29/32

 Tubi per azoto (Schlenk-Tubes)


Prodotto in tubo Duran ®. Con giunto conico e rubinetto NS...

 Palloni a fondo sferico a due colli, angolati, DURAN®


DIN 12394 e in aggiunta alla standard (*). Con un cono centrale e uno laterale obliquo di 20°, normalizzato come da tabella....

 Pallone a fondo tondo per Azoto (palloni Schlenk), DURAN®


Con braccio laterale angolato con rubinetto da 2,5 millimetri in vetro....

 Palloni Kjeldhal, DURAN®


Per la determinazione dell"azoto in composti organici. Con collo centrale e giunto conico....

 Palloni a fondo sferico a due colli, angolati, in vetro borosilicato 3.3


Rispettano i più elevati standard qualitativi secondo DIN 12394. I colli laterali sono paralleli o angolati di 20° l"uno rispetto all"altro. I colli NS sono conformi agli standards DIN 12242....

 Palloni a fondo tondo con tre colli, giunzioni NS, angolati in vetro Borosilicato 3.3


Rispettano i più elevati standard qualitativi secondo DIN 12394. I colli laterali sono posti a 20° l"uno rispetto all"altro. I colli NS sono conformi agli standards DIN 12242....

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