Pure and ultra-pure water

Water is required in chemical, biological and analytical laboratories for many applications and with different specifications. In the Th. Geyer online shop you will find the right equipment to produce the right water for your application: double distilled, deionised, ultra pure, for chromatography, for microbiology, for analysis or for trace analysis. We carry equipment from well-known suppliers such as ELGA LabWater, stakpure, Sartorius and Millipore, which are equipped with different technologies like reverse osmosis, EDI, ion exchange, UV and various filters. In addition, all needed accessories and consumables are available for these.


 Reverse osmosis systems, Ultra Clear™ RO EDI


The well-proven Ultra Clear™ RO range has been enhanced to peak water quality level in the plus series by adding electronic deionisation cells: accessory deionisers for removing inorganic materials from the output are therefore no longer required.
Technical parameters:

  • Resistance up to 17 megohm (0.07µS/cm)
  • TOC < 5 to 20ppb at RO cell output
  • Typical pure water quality < 0.07µS/cm

 Spare cartridge deionisers, stainless steel (V4A)


High quality stainless steel ion exchanger (V4A) pressure resistant up to 10 bar. High quality and longevity, parts in stainless steel in contact with medium. Optimized water distribution.
Without conductivity meter. Please order separately....

 Rein- und Reinstwassersystem Barnstead™ LabTower™ EDI, ASTM I und II


Der direkte Weg vom Leitungswasser zum Reinwasser (> 1 MOhm) sowie Reinstwasser (18,2 MOhm)
Laborwasserversorgung für einen Bedarf von bis zu 200 L/Tag. Das Thermo Scientific Barnstead LabTower EDI Standgerät ist ein modular aufgebautes Reinstwassersystem und wurde speziell für die funktionelle und wirtschaftliche Rein- und Reinstwasserproduktion entwickelt. Durch die Kombination verschiedener Aufbereitungstechnologien wie Vorbehandlung, Umkehrosmose, Elektroentionisierung, Reinstwassermodul und UV-Lampe produziert der LabTower EDI ein Reinstwasser, dass sogar höchste Qualitätsstandards wie ASTM I, CAP, ISO 3696, CLSI und aqua purificata übertrifft. Eine hochmoderne Mikroprozessor-Steuerung, der 100 l Reinwassertank mit Restentleerung, eine Druckpumpe sowie die Tankrezirkulation gehören bereits zum Standard. Montiert auf Rollen ist der kompakte und formschöne LabTower EDI die optimale Rein- und Reinstwasserversorgung für jedes Labor. Alle LabTower EDI Systeme werden für den sofortigen Einsatz geliefert mit: Reinstwasserkartusche, RO-Membran, RO-Vorbehandlungsfilter (5-µm-Filter und Wasserhärtestabilisator), EDI-Modul, UV-Lampe, 0,2-µm-Endfilter und Druckminderer....

 Ultra pure water system OmniaLabED+


For pure water and ultra pure water Type I + II.
Delivers the complete laboratory pure water and ultra-pure water supply. The system complies with international water standards such as ASTM, ISO 3696 and CLSI. The economy of it is maximized by the inclusion of a continuously self-regenerating electrodeionizer. Further to this, each OmniaLab...

 Ultra pure water system OmniaTap


For pure water and ultra pure water Type I + II.
OmniaTap is the ideal system when both pure water and ultrapure water are required, but in relatively small amounts. It provides both types from a single system. These also make it possible to connect the system directly to a drinking water tap. A touch on the flexible OptiFill dispenser button activates dispensing of ultrapure water type I via the digital dispenser control. The recirculation of the pure water held in the installed 10 litre tank keeps it permanently at type II quality....

 Ultrapure water purification system Barnstead™ MicroPure™, ASTM I


The Thermo Scientific Barnstead MicroPure system provides ultrapure water (18.2 MO, 0.055 µS/cm) ASTM type I, for typical demand up to 15 l/day. All MicroPure systems meet the requirements of the international standards ASTM (type I), ISO 3696 (type 1), ASTM D1193 and CLSI-CLRW. A variety of innovative expansion options, such as UV-lamp with wavelenghts 185/254 nm and a backwashable ultrafilter with a flow rate up to 0.6 l/min, ensure optimal supply for all analytical and life science applications....

 Ultrapure water purification systems Barnstead™ GenPure xCAD Plus with stand-alone remote dispensers



 Ultrapure water purification systems Barnstead™ GenPure™, ASTM I


All Barnstead GenPure systems meet the requirements of the international standards ASTM type I, ISO 3696 type 1, ASTM D1193 and CLSI- CLRW. A variety of innovative expansion options, such as UV-lamp with wavelenghts 185/254 nm and UV-intensity monitoring, a backwashable ultrafilter, real time TOC monitoring, a remote dispenser xCAD (operating radius 80 cm) or a flexible (operating radius 60 cm) dispenser on the unit (GenPure Pro), ensure optimal supply for all analytical and life science applications. All GenPure systems are supplied with: Feed water pressure reducer, wall-mounting, ultrapure water cartridge, end filter, options - all available under one order number...

 Ultrapure water system, arium® pro


ASTM Typ1 water purification system for the high-end user. Whether for routine analysis or critical applications where reagent-grade water is required, the system consistently supplies high quality that is perfect for your applications. arium ® pro features a convincing innovative design, quality and ease of use. From the intuitive menu navigation to the operator friendly setup, all units in the arium...

 Regenerating Salt

Diverse Hersteller

Dishwasher salt to protect against limescale deposits....

 Millipak® Filter


The stacked-disk format of Millipak® filter units eliminates the risk of fiber release from downstream support material.

Features & Benefits:

  • No risk of membrane cracking as the 0.22 µm membrane is supported by a rigid plastic disc with channels
  • As the membranes are welded onto the support disc, the risk of contamination is considerably reduced
  • Minimum dead volume thanks to the large filter surface



This cartridge is designed to produce high-resistance water from carefully selected cleaning media.

Features & Benefits:

  • Guarantee of water quality
  • Ensuring compliance with system specifications

 Accessories for Ultra Pure Water Systems arium®





SynergyPak® cleaning cartridges contain a special combination of cleaning media to remove traces of contaminants affecting specific applications. The material of which the cartridges are made has been carefully selected to produce pure or high purity water.

 UV photooxidation lamp for Milli-Q Systems


185 nm mercury UV lamp for photo-oxidation of organic compounds. Can be used with Milli-Q systems built in 2001 or later....

 Milliflex® Quantum high-cleaning columns


The Milliflex® Quantum high purification columns were developed to eliminate ions and traces of organic substances in ultrapure water.
To prevent operating errors and to ensure full traceability, there is the RFID identification (Radio Frequency Identification)....

 Aeration filter for PE tank (type 2 water)


The filter provides effective protection against airborne contaminants. For Elix® water stored in 30/60/100 PE storage tank....

 Progard® Pre-treatment packs


If you want to have free chlorine, large particles and organic compounds removed from your tap water, use the Progard® pre-treatment packs. The reverse osmosis membrane (RO) is protected from chlorine oxidation, mineral scaling and organic pollution.

Features & Benefits:

  • Ensures optimization of system life and performance



The SmartPak® for Direct-Q® systems is perfect for extracting ultrapure water from tap water. It combines all cleaning steps in one.

Features & Benefits:

  • Activated carbon depth filter
  • Reverse Osmosis Cartridge
  • Ion exchange resins

 Accessories for Ultra Clear Water System PURELAB® Plus

ELGA LabWater / Veolia


 UV photooxidation lamp for the A10® TOC monitor


For the photo-oxidation of organic substances. Photooxidation is performed by a 185 nm mercury UV lamp, which is operated either independently or in milli-Q systems built before 2007....

 Ventilation filter 12" with CO2 trap


The ventilation filter ensures optimum protection against airborne contaminants. For SDS tanks with Elix®-water....

 Accessories for arium® Bag Tank



 arium® Bag Tank


For storing pure water, produced with arium ® comfort and arium ® advance.

  • Storage in a closed system, safe from secondary contamination
  • Consistent water quality over an extended period
  • No sanitization processes with chemicals necessary

 Ultrapure Water System arium® mini plus with bag tank


The arium® mini is a compact ultrapure water series that is specially designed for Type 1 water requirements of about 10 liters per day. With the capacity to deliver ultrapure water at a rate of 1 L/min. and a width of only 28 cm (11 in.), this space-saving unit easily integrates into nearly any lab environment....

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