Rotary evaporators accessories


 Bacinelle fotografiche, acciaio 18/10

Bochem Instrumente

Con angoli arrotondati....



Contenitore cilindrico. Tappo smerigliato....

 Vetri da orologio, PTFE


Ideali per coprire beakers in PTFE. Eccellente resistenza chimica....

 CELLSTAR® Cell Culture Multiwell Plates for Suspension Cultures


Cell culture multiwell plates are available in the hydrophilic surface (TC surface treatment) for improved cell adhesion and hydrophobic surface for suspension cultures and hybridoma cells. All panels can be stacked together, both with and without cover. The special design of the panels is also in stacked plates a faster heat exchange over the entire bottom surface of each plate allows . All plates have an imprinted lot number and are both pyrogens and DNase / RNase - free ....

 1536 Well LoBase Microplates


The highest possible degree of automation, optimal performance and cost savings continue to be the requirements placed on microplates for high-throughput screening. The footprint is compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. The improved Rounded Square Well Design allows flexible working volume of 15 - 110 μl, with the advantages of a round well, such as reduced wicking and bubbling....

 384 Well Polystyrene Microplates - μClear®


384 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. An it is suitable for work with cell cultures. The improved Rounded Square Well Design allows flexible working volume of 15 - 110 μl, with the advantages of a round well, such as reduced wicking and bubbling....

 96 Well ELISA Microplates


We set high standards on the quality of our immunological products, especially on consistency and reproducibility of binding properties. The incoming raw material used for ELISA microplates is routinely monitored for identity and immunological quality. All ELISA are ideally suited for optical measurements. Two surface qualities offers for ELISA...

 96 Well Half Area Microplates


96 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. An it is suitable for work with cell cultures....

 Vaschette in alluminio, quadrate



 Bacinelle fotografiche LaboPlast®, PVC, senza scanalature


Resistenti a temperature da -30 a 60 °C....

 Bacinelle per attrezzature, vetro


Con pareti verticali e bordi lucidati.
Con e senza coperchio in acciaio inox. Le dimensioni indicate sono nominali....

 CELLSTAR® Cell Culture Multiwell Plates for Adherent Cell


Cell culture multiwell plates are available in the hydrophilic surface (TC surface treatment) for improved cell adhesion and hydrophobic surface for suspension cultures and hybridoma cells. All panels can be stacked together, both with and without cover. The special design of the panels is also in stacked plates a faster heat exchange over the entire bottom surface of each plate allows . All plates have an imprinted lot number and are both pyrogens and DNase / RNase - free ....



Coperchio smerigliato con impugnatura....

 Cristallizzatori, fondo piatto, Pyrex®


  • Conformi DIN 12337
  • Prodotti da vetro borosilicato Pyrex®
  • Adatti per utilizzo fino a 400°C
  • Chimicamente e termicamente resistenti

 Serbatoi per reagenti Matrix ™, PS, sterili


Serbatoi sterili a forma di trogolo con beccucci di scarico su tutti e 4 gli angoli. Con graduazioni sulla parete interna....

 F8 Strip Plates


Microplates in strip format offer the advantage of greater flexibility in diagnostics. Individual strips can be removed from the support frame so that the number of tests to be performed can be adjusted to the number of samples, and is not predetermined by the microplate format used. In addition, the individual strips of a microplate can be subjected to a wide variety of different test conditions....

 Petri Dishes - Special Models, Germ Count Dish / Contact Dishes


Divided dishes for comparative measurements/conditions or different agar systems. The Germ Count Dish Graduation and division into 10 mm squares to enable quick and easy analysis. Contact dishes are used in hygiene monitoring including detection of microorganisms and testing the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection on flat surfaces by means of contact cultures....

 Serbatoi per Reagenti


Serbatoi monouso per reagenti con fondo a V per garantire che tutto il reagente sia accessibile e possa essere facilmente aspirato. La costruzione a parete spessa e l"ampia base aggiungono stabilità e durata rendendo il serbatoio facile da maneggiare senza deformazioni del prodotto.

  • I segni di graduazione consentono la misurazione del liquido
  • Con beccucci versatori su tutti gli angoli
  • Impilabili, con sistema di annidamento per una facile separazione
  • Le versioni sterili sono sigillate in buste, sterilizzate con fascio di elettroni e senza Dnase, Rnase e pirogeni
  • Certificato di qualità disponibile su richiesta

 Set di Bacinelle LaboPlast®, PP


PP. Colore bianco.
Bacinella multiuso. Buona resistenza meccanica, infrangibile, stabile, impilabile ed igienica. Adatta per alimenti. Di facile pulizia. Resistente a molti acidi e soluzioni alcaline. Bordi arrotondati. Superficie levigata, lucida....

 Vassoi fotografici LaboPlast®, PVC, forma bassa con scanalature sul fondo, forma del profilo arrotondata


Resistenti a temperature da -30 a max. 60 °C....

 Vassoi metallici per Istologia


Realizzati in acciaio inox per una facile rimozione delle inclusioni di paraffina: permettono una precisa ubicazione del campione nella paraffina....



PetriSlides can also be used instead of Petri dishes. An inner ring is located in the transparent cover to ensure that the membrane lies securely on it. Due to its transparency it allows microscopy even if the lid still rests on the PetriSlides. The storage of the PetriSlides is uncomplicated, either in the supplied carton or in slide boxes....

 Vassoi portastrumenti, melamina


Per conservazione ordinata di strumenti ed attrezzature di precisione....



  • DIN 12337
  • Senza becco
  • Cristallizzatori con capacità a partire da 100 mlcon etichetta serigrafata
  • Vetro tipo 1/ vetro neutro in conformità con USP, EP e JP
  • Autoclavabili

 384 Well Polystyrene Cell Culture Microplates - μClear®


Cell culture multiwell plates are available in the hydrophilic surface (TC surface treatment) for improved cell adhesion and hydrophobic surface for suspension cultures and hybridoma cells. Cell culture microplates from the CELLSTAR® range are specifically treated. This treatment leads to polar groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups , added to the plastic surface. These allow the growth of adherent cell lines. They are also suitable for automated systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding. They are also suitable for footprint systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding....

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