Test tubes

Test tubes are available in various shapes, for example with round, conical or straight bottom as well as with beaded or straight rim. Depending on the type, the test tubes are suitable for chemical reactions, examinations, for storing of small quantities of liquids, cultivation of bacteria and much more. The test tubes can be sealed with plastic foils, aluminium caps, cork or plastic stoppers, Please see the separate section on stoppers, closures and lids.


 LLG-Microbiological Media


Media for bacteria
Luria Bertani (Miller):

  • Standard high salt content media for E. coli cultivation
  • Ideal for plasmid preparation

Luria Bertani (Lennox):
  • Standard medium with low salt content for the cultivation of E. coli
  • Ideal for cultivating recombinant E.coli strains

 Immobilon P-Membran


In contrast to nitrocellulose, Immobilon membranes have a number of advantages. An optimized coloring capacity, a broad solvent compatibility and a lower background make the membrane their solution. Immobilon membranes do not rupture or curl and can be cut without breaking. Reprobing is also possible many times. The Immobilon P membrane is particularly suitable for proteins with a molecular weight greater than 20 kDa....

 Amicon® Ultra centrifugal filter unit


Amicon® ultra centrifugal filters promote high sample recovery, even in diluted samples, through ultrafiltration and also provide fast sample processing. Particularly suitable for sensitive downstream applications as the centrifugal filters provide the fastest and most efficient concentration. The Ultracel-3 centrifugal filters have a NMWL (Nominal Molecular Weight Limit) of 3 kDa....

 Special specimen collection cards


These cards are specialty product for specific use cases. For standard sample collection and storage, it is advised to use the GenSaver 2.0 cards.

  • AutoCollect: Cards suitable for automated processing, available as color variant for clear samples or with a barcode
  • BioSample: These cards are especially suitable if you're not only interested in the nucleic acids but also in other biomolecules like proteins. Optionally with perforated sample spots, or IVD certification
  • Sample cards for IVD use, optionally with perforated spots

 Protein Ladders, Prestained


The marker is covalently bound to a blue colour chromaphore to produce a ladder of evenly interspersed bands of uniform intensity. The coloured reference bands are used as visual indicators for the process of gel electrophoresis and the efficiency of the transfer to membranes in the Western Blot. The marker is suitable for the precise identification of the molecular weight of most cellular proteins....

 Modules Immuno LockWell, PS, breakable, white and black


Modules in standard 96-well frames. The white and black immuno breakable modules are specially designed for fluorometric and luminometric immunoassays. Each well snaps into the frame and maintains the same height for accurate reading and efficient washing. Black plates for fluorescence measurements, white plates for luminescence detection....



Solutions of any macromolecules, simple and efficient, desalt and concentrate. Suitable for any centrifuge holding 1.5 ml tubes.

Features & Benefits:

  • Even with diluted solutions the recovery is more than 95%.
  • Reverse spin to maximize recovery even in the smallest sample
  • Storage of filtrate or concentrated sample, very easy in standard microcentrifuge tubes
  • concentration factor up to 100 x

 Immersion flow cup with fixed nozzle


With fixed nozzle from stainless steel or aluminium....

 Immobilon HRP Substrat


The Immobilon Western HRP substrate offers a high sensitivity for Western or dot/slot/spot blotting on PVDF membranes as well as on nitrocellulose membranes. The HRP substrate is compatible with all commonly used buffers and blocking reagents. Blots on PVDF membranes can be re-examined, allowing detection of multiple target proteins on the same blot....

 Durapore® multiscreen plates with membrane filter


Durapore® PVDF membranes are characterized by high throughput and high flow rate. To maximize recovery and minimize interaction with your sample, the membrane has very low protein binding.

Features & Benefits:

  • Chemical compatibility
  • Automation compatible
  • Suitable for: Receptor/Ligand Binding Assay, Protein Kinase/Phosphatase Precipitation Assays, Bead-Based Assay

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