Blot Imaging


 Gel documentation system chemiPRO-302E


Complete solution for chemiluminescence and fluorescent Western blot imaging. With highly sensitive cooled CCD Camera with high quantum efficiency, for detection of picogram level proteins. Peltier cooling allows exposure times to be increased to detect faint chemiluminescence without adding annoying background noise. Suitable for chemiluminescence Western blots, auto-rads, DNA or RNA stained with ethidium bromide, SYPRO, SYBR and SAFE dyes on agarose gels, Coomassie blue or silver stained proteins on acrylamide gels, stain-free gels and fluorescent gels. Furthermore GFP-plantimaging, colonies or plaques detection on Agar plates, bioluminescence and 2d gels. The free of charge software allows automated imaging of multicolour blots with a simple and user friendly interface....

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