

 1536 Deep Well Polypropylene Microplates


The product range of the 1536 well polystyrene microplates is extended by a polypropylene storage plate (Deep Well microplate) with a total volume of 18 μl. The working volume of this plate is between 3 and 15 μl.


  • Uniform external dimensions and tolerances
  • Alphanumeric well coding
  • High chemical resistance
  • High temperature resistance (-196 °C to +121 °C)
  • Sealable with adhesive films and heat sealer

 1536 Well Zellkultur Microplatten HiBase


Cell culture multiwell plates are available in the hydrophilic surface (TC surface treatment) for improved cell adhesion and hydrophobic surface for suspension cultures and hybridoma cells. Cell culture microplates from the CELLSTAR® range are specifically treated. This treatment leads to polar groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups , added to the plastic surface. These allow the growth of adherent cell lines. They are also suitable for automated systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding. They are also suitable for footprint systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding....

 384 Well Polystyrene Microplates - solid bottom, clear


384 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. An it is suitable for work with cell cultures. The improved Rounded Square Well Design allows flexible working volume of 15 - 110 μl, with the advantages of a round well, such as reduced wicking and bubbling....

 384 Well Polystyrene Microplates - solid bottom, white / black


384 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. An it is suitable for work with cell cultures. The improved Rounded Square Well Design allows flexible working volume of 15 - 110 μl, with the advantages of a round well, such as reduced wicking and bubbling....

 96 Well Half Area Microplates


96 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. An it is suitable for work with cell cultures....

 96 Well Half Area Polystyrene Cell Culture Microplates


Cell culture multiwell plates are available in the hydrophilic surface (TC surface treatment) for improved cell adhesion and hydrophobic surface for suspension cultures and hybridoma cells. Cell culture microplates from the CELLSTAR® range are specifically treated. This treatment leads to polar groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups , added to the plastic surface. These allow the growth of adherent cell lines. They are also suitable for automated systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding. They are also suitable for footprint systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding....

 96 Well Polypropylene Microplates - F-bottom / V-bottom


96 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polypropylene (PP) has low biomolecular binding characteristics, a high temperature tolerance, and is resistant to many standard laboratory chemicals, such as DMSO. From black polypropylene microplates for fluorescence polarisation to white microplates for scintillation proximity assays (SPA), the 96 well polypropylene range has all you need....

 96 Well Polystyrene Cell Culture Microplates - μClear®


Cell culture multiwell plates are available in the hydrophilic surface (TC surface treatment) for improved cell adhesion and hydrophobic surface for suspension cultures and hybridoma cells. Cell culture microplates from the CELLSTAR® range are specifically treated. This treatment leads to polar groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups , added to the plastic surface. These allow the growth of adherent cell lines. They are also suitable for automated systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding. They are also suitable for footprint systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding....

 96 Well Polystyrene Microplates - μClear®


96 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. An it is suitable for work with cell cultures....

 96 Well Polystyrene Microplates - solid bottom, white / black


96 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polystyrene is a highly clear polymer with excellent optical properties which makes it ideal for precise optical measurements. An it is suitable for work with cell cultures....

 96 Well Streptavidin-coated Microplates


Streptavidin-coated solid phases serve as reliable binding surfaces for all types of biotinylated molecules. Numerous ligands can be biotinylated simply and due to the low molecular weight of biotin (244 Da) the functionality of the molecules is normally not impaired.


  • Shelf-life: 3 years at room temperature
  • Pre-blocking: All plates are pre-blocked and ready-to-use
  • Streptavidin-coating 96 well 300 μl
  • Streptavidin-coating 384 well 90 μl
  • Rapidly isolate, determine and quantify components from a reaction mixture
  • Complete reaction chains on a streptavidin solid phase is possible
  • Bound to the plate surface in a uniform and stable layer

 96 Well Immuno™ Modules


Developed for quantitative and qualitative solid phase immuno assays, e.g. ELISA techniques.

  • Alphanumeric orientation systems
  • Standard format 128 x 86 mm
  • High optical quality
  • Four choices for bottom: flat bottom (F), round b. (U), flat with curved b. (C) or StarWell™
  • Frames and modules available separately
  • Modules remain in frame when inverted
  • Certified reproducibility of binding
  • Free-standing modul

 96/384 Well Plates and Modules CovaLink™ and Immobilizer Streptavidin, PS


Microtiter plates for immunoassays with surfaces for affinity binding (passive streptavidin and immobilizer streptavidin, nickel chelate and glutathione, BioBind).

  • Streptavidin-biotin interaction for a broad range of biomolecules
  • Highly specific binding surface
  • Improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio
  • 96 well plate: Working volume 100 µl/well, total volume 350-400 µl/well
  • 384 well plate: Working volume 50 µl/well, total volume 120 µl/well

 PCR adhesive film and foil


Ideal for sealing PCR plates.

  • PCR clean: Certified free from human DNA, DNase, RNase and PCR inhibitor
  • PCR Film: Allows visual monitoring of samples
  • PCR Foil: Easy to pierce, no sticking of the pipette tips (ideal for automated systems)
  • Heat Sealing: Position the film or the foil with the adhesive edges on the plate. Seal the plate using the heat sealer
  • Sealing mats are reusable and autoclavable

 Terasaki Plates - 60 Well and 72 Well


Greiner Bio-One Terasaki plates are suitable for all applications for serological determination of HLA antigens. The serological determination of HLA proteins of the HLA-A, -B, -C and -DR genetic positions is primarily performed with the complement-dependent microlymphocytotoxicity test (LCT) or Terasaki test, which has been standardised since 1964. The basis for this test method is the cytolysis of the lymphocytes to be tested, which is caused by the antibody-antigen mediated activation of the complement system. Permeabilised lymphocytes are generally stained with chromophores or fluorophores and evaluated microscopically....

 96 Well Polystyrene Cell Culture / Supension Culture Microplates


Cell culture multiwell plates are available in the hydrophilic surface (TC surface treatment) for improved cell adhesion and hydrophobic surface for suspension cultures and hybridoma cells. Cell culture microplates from the CELLSTAR® range are specifically treated. This treatment leads to polar groups such as carboxyl and hydroxyl groups , added to the plastic surface. These allow the growth of adherent cell lines. They are also suitable for automated systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding. They are also suitable for footprint systems and contain an alphanumeric well coding....

 96 Well ELISA Microplates


We set high standards on the quality of our immunological products, especially on consistency and reproducibility of binding properties. The incoming raw material used for ELISA microplates is routinely monitored for identity and immunological quality. All ELISA are ideally suited for optical measurements. Two surface qualities offers for ELISA...

 U96/V96 MicroWell™ Plates, PP


  • V-shape provides optimal recovery of reagents
  • Shared wall technology increases well volume and wider cells improve mixing
  • Ideal as collection plate for Nunc Filter Plates
  • Low binding for homogeneous assays and storage

 384 Deep Well Microplates, Small Volume™, PP


White and black versions are available on request....

 384 Well Non-binding Microplatten


Non-binding surfaces from Greiner Bio-One are achieved through a stable chemical modification to covalently link functional groups with the base polystyrene polymer. Under aqueous assay conditions a hydrate layer forms, preventing dissolved biomolecules from binding to the microplate surface. As the non-binding surface is stable under common assay conditions, there is no potential for degradation or leaching and resultant assay interference....

 60 Well / 72 Well Terasaki-Plates


The crystallisation drop is localised centrally as a result of the conical well geometry, and the flat well bottom makes for optimal monitoring. The rim of the Terasaki plates makes it possible to fill all of the wells with oil at the same time.


  • Supplied with surface treatment
  • Space required for storage is relatively small

 96 Well Microplates for PCR


The use of the 96 well format allows the scale up of basic PCR work, while the 384 well format is ideal for high-throughput screening projects.


  • Free of detectable DNase, RNase, human DNA
  • Non-Pyrogenic
  • Ultra thin polypropylene for optimal heat transfer from the thermoblock to the reaction solution
  • Minimal distortion and sagging curvature, homogeneous heat transfer and sealing of the individual wells are essential quality criteria
  • The footprint is compatible with automated systems
  • Universally usable version
  • Sealable with sealers "SILVERseal™", "VIEWseal™" and "AMPLIseal™"
  • With skirt and two notches
  • With alphanumeric coding
  • For Research Use Only, not for use in diagnostic procedures, unless otherwise indicated

 96 Well Non-binding Microplates


Non-binding surfaces from Greiner Bio-One are achieved through a stable chemical modification to covalently link functional groups with the base polystyrene polymer. Under aqueous assay conditions a hydrate layer forms, preventing dissolved biomolecules from binding to the microplate surface. As the non-binding surface is stable under common assay conditions, there is no potential for degradation or leaching and resultant assay interference....

 96 Well Polypropylene Microplates - U-bottom


96 Well Polystyrene Microplates are manufactured under DIN ISO 9001 guidelines and can be traced all the way back to production through a defined LOT number system. Furthermore they are footprint compatible with automated systems. Polypropylene (PP) has low biomolecular binding characteristics, a high temperature tolerance, and is resistant to many standard laboratory chemicals, such as DMSO. From black polypropylene microplates for fluorescence polarisation to white microplates for scintillation proximity assays (SPA), the 96 well polypropylene range has all you need....

 96 Well SCREENSTAR Microplates


SCREENSTAR microplates are specialised products for sophisticated microscopic
applications, in high content screening (HCS) or high resolution microscopy with water and oil immersion objectives. They combine outstanding glass-like optical properties with an excellent surface for adherent cell culture. Display excellent optical properties with reduced autofluorescence in the lower UV range and low birefringence. Enable complete periphery access for high magnification objectives....

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