Cryogenic accessories


 Cooling pack, reusable


The reusable cooling packs are very handy due to their dimensions (W x H x D) of only 168 x 24 x 85 mm and their weight of 260 g. They can be used for all laboratory and transport applications. The packs are delivered filled, welded, and can be used several times. The cooling packs can be ordered individually or in cartons of 50 pieces for larger requirements. They can be used in direct contact with food according to Directive 2005/79/EU and Regulation (EU) 10/2011....

 Mini coolers -20 °C, PC


The LABSOLUTE® mini coolers allow effective cooling of reagents and solutions. Mini coolers can be used very conveniently directly on the workbench and impress with a controllable cooling process and reproducible results.

The yellow LABSOLUTE® mini coolers -20 °C made of robust PC are filled with a non-toxic cooling gel. Pre-cool for at least 24 hours at -20 °C to -25 °C before use....

 Ice buckets, PU


The red LABSOLUTE® ice buckets are made of polyurethane foam and ideal for the cooling of samples, solutions or cultures. The ice buckets have excellent insulating properties and are suitable for use with dry ice, water ice, brine and acetone.

  • Extremely robust and light
  • With lid

 Mini cooler 0 °C, PC


The LABSOLUTE® mini coolers allow effective cooling of reagents and solutions. Mini coolers can be used very conveniently directly on the workbench and impress with a controllable cooling process and reproducible results.

The red LABSOLUTE® mini cooler 0 °C made of robust PC is filled with a non-toxic cooling gel. Pre-cool for at least 24 hours at -5 °C to -10 °C before use....

 Precision Freeze


LABSOLUTE® offers two effective options for cryo preservation. LABSOLUTE® Precision Freeze for an even, particularly gentle freezing process and LABSOLUTE® Quick Freeze for the rapid cooling of samples.

Protection against freezing too quickly: the LABSOLUTE® Precision Freeze, made of PC and filled with 100 % isopropyl alcohol, guarantees a slow, reproducible freezing process of -1 °C/min. The samples are protected against contact with the isopropyl alcohol thanks to the internal tube holders made of HDPE, and even the labelling of the samples remains undamaged. For thawing, the handy tube holder can also be used as a floating stand in the water bath when thawing the samples....

 Quick Freeze, PC


LABSOLUTE® offers two effective options for cryo preservation. LABSOLUTE® Precision Freeze for an even, particularly gentle freezing process and LABSOLUTE® Quick Freeze for the rapid cooling of samples.

A handy alternative to the dry ice solvent bath: the LABSOLUTE® Quick Freeze was developed for the rapid cooling of samples - 1.5 ml H...

 LLG- Blocchi termostatici exact, alluminio


Adatti sia per raffreddamento che per riscaldamento, utilizzabili universalmente, uniforme distribuzione della temperatura all"interno del blocco, ideali per tutte le applicazioni sensibili alla temperatura.

Blocchi in alluminio con compartimenti conici e fondo chiuso per facile e preciso temperaggio di provette per reazione e provette PCR. La forma precisamente adattata dei fori e il fondo chiuso offrono vantaggi rispetto ai blocchi con aperture cilindriche con fondo aperto, come miglior trasferimento di calore e accuratezza della temperatura. Prodotti in una speciale lega di alluminio con elevata conducibilità termica. Identiche condizioni di temperatura per tutti i campioni. Dimensioni compatte, che richiedono poco spazio. Adatti per piastre a 96 pozzetti, 8 o 12 strisce e provette singole. Ideali per lavorare con pipette a 8 o 12 canali. Blocchi per provette di diverse dimensioni e combinazioni di dimensioni di provette come indicato, tutte che lavorano in un unico blocco, con fori chiusi sul fondo e affusolati per adattarsi perfettamente alle rispettive forme delle provette e per offrire ottimale scambio di calore....

 LLG Inserti a griglia per Cryobox, 133 x 133


Per scatole criogeniche cryobox 133 x 133 mm. Con altezza scomparti e formato come indicato. Altre dimensioni disponibili a richiesta....

Contenitore di congelamento LLG per provette da 1,0/1,8 ml, PC/HDPE


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 Serie di crio-marcatori Nalgene™, Tipo 6313


Per scritte durature su cartone, plastica e materiali usati a basse temperature. Resistente allo strofinamento, non sbiadisce ed è antisbavatura. Può essere rimosso con alcool. Punta extra fine. Confezione di vendita: 4 pezzi assortiti (rosso, verde, nero, blu) o 4 pezzi solo neri....

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