Beaker tongs


 Crucible tongs

Bochem Instrumente

With bow and gripping tips....

 Beaker tongs, chromated steel


PVC coated Insulated jaws are used to hold all types of beakers....

 Beaker tongs, 18/10 steel

Bochem Instrumente

Electro polished wire frame with bowed strip-metal jaws and ceramic fibre jaw linings....

 Crucible tongs, 18/10 steel, PTFE-coated

Bochem Instrumente

With bow, and up to 100 mm long tips....

 Flask tongs, 18/10 steel

Bochem Instrumente

Electro polished. Polyamide coated jaw clamps....

 Crucible tongs, chromated steel


With bow and flutes....

 Flask tongs, chromated steel


PVC coated insulated jaws, used to hold all types of flasks....

 Beaker tongs, with rubber-sleeved jaws

Bochem Instrumente

Jaws protected with 2 rubber pads each. Arm length: 160mm....

 Tongs for assays, 18/10 steel

Bochem Instrumente

Electro polished....

 Basin tongs, chromated steel



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