

 Capillary, fused silica

SGE (Trajan)


 Capillary columns GC BPX5

SGE (Trajan)

5% Phenyl Polysilphenylene-siloxane. General purpose GC column for routine gas chromatographic analysis. Suitable replacement for: DB-5, DB-5ms, DB-5.625, XTI-5, Rtx-5ms, Ultra-2, HP-5, HP-5MS, HP5-TA, SPB-5, MDN-5S, CP-Sil8CB, Rxt-Sil 5MS, AT-5ms, VB-5, ZB-5, VF-5ms.

  • Very low bleed
  • Non-polar
  • Extremely inert

 Capillary columns GC BPX70

SGE (Trajan)

70% Cyanopropyl Polysilphenylene-siloxane. Able to be solvent rinsed. Industry standard column for fatty acid methyl esters, carbonhydrates, pharmaceuticals, GC/MS applications. Suitable alternative to: DB-23, Rtx-2330, SP-2330, CP-Sil 88, SP2380, HP-23....

 Capillary columns HT8 / Fast PCB

SGE (Trajan)

8 % Phenyl Polycarborane-siloxane. Ultra high temperature columns for polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (PCB), nitro-substituted aromatics, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, pesticides and herbicides....

 Capillary columns HT5

SGE (Trajan)

5% Phenyl Polycarborane siloxane. Ultra-high temperature columns for simulated distillation applications, general hydrocarbon profiles, pesticides, herbicides and for GCMS applications....

 Capillary columns SolGel-Wax

SGE (Trajan)

Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in a SolGel matrix. Suitable replacement for: DB-Wax, Rtx- Wax, Stabilwax, HP20M, HP-Wax, HP-INNOWax, Supelcowax-10, AT-Wax, Nukol, CP, Wax 52CB, VB-WAX, ZB-WAX.

  • Robust high-temperature column.
  • Polar phase
  • Low bleed and inert

 GC Capillary columns HYDRODEX β-6TBDM


cyclodextrin derivatives with high melting point:
for GC-enantiomer separation diluted with polysiloxanes
Heptakis-(2,3-di-O-methyl-6-O-t-butyldimethyl-silyl)-β-cyclodextrin. Phase diluted with optimised polysiloxane recommended for γ-lactones, cyclopentanones, terpenes, esters, tartrates.

 GC Capillary columns HYDRODEX β-TBDAC


cyclodextrin derivatives with high melting point:
for GC-enantiomer separation diluted with polysiloxanes
Heptakis-(2,3-di-O-acetyl-6-O-t-butyldimethyl-silyl)-β-cyclodextrin. Phase diluted with optimised polysiloxane recommended for alcohols, esters, ketones, aldehydes, δ-lactones.


 GC Capillary columns LIPODEX® E


LIPODEX® cyclodextrin phase for enantiomer separation

base material: cyclic oligosaccharide consisting of eight glucose units bonded through α-1,4-linkages (y-cylodextrin) regioselective alkylation and acylation of the hydroxyl groups leads to a lipophilic phase, which is well suited for GC enantiomer analyses; important advantage: many compounds can be analysed without derivatisation (however, for certain substances enantioselectivity can be favourably influenced by formation of derivatives)...

 OPTIMA® 1 high performance capillary columns for GC


100% dimethylpolysiloxane

nonpolar phase separation of components according to boiling points thick film columns ≥3µm film are especially recommended for solvent analysis.
Similar phases: Permabond ® SE-30, OV-1, DB-1, SE-30, HP-1, SPB-1, CP-Sil 5 CB, Rtx-1, 007-1, BP1, MDN-1, AT-1, ZB-1, OV-101....

 OPTIMA® 1 MS Accent ultra-low bleed capillary columns for GC


100 % dimethylpolysiloxane

nonpolar phase with ultra-low bleeding, ideal for ion trap and quadrupol MS detectors increased sensitivity due to an unmatched low background level perfect inertness for basic compounds
solvent rinsing for removal of impurities applicable
application areas: all-round phase for environmental analyses, trace analyses, EPA methods, pesticides, PCB, food and drug analyses...

 Optima® 17 capillary columns for GC


phenylmethylpolysiloxane (50 % phenyl)

medium polar phase
preferred applications: steroids, pesticides, drug analyses
similar phases: OV-17, DB-17, HP50+, HP17, SPB-50, SP-2250, Rtx-50, CP-Sil 24 CB, 007-17, ZB50

max. temperature for isothermal operation: 320°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 340°C, for 0.53mm ID columns the max. temperatures are 300 and 320°C, resp....

 Optima® 1701 capillary columns for GC


14 % Cyanopropyl-phenyl - 86 % Dimethylpolysiloxane

medium polar phase
special selectivity due to high cyanopropyl content
reference column for structure identification, e.g. in combination with Optima 5
film thickness 1 µm for solvent analyses
similar phases: OV-1701, DB-1701, CP?Sil 19 CB, HP-1701, Rtx-1701, SPB-1701, 007-1701, BP10, ZB-1701...

 OPTIMA® 225 capillary columns for GC


50% cyanopropylmethyl - 50% phenylmethylpolysiloxane

USP G7 / G19
middle polar phase
recommended for fatty acid analyses
similar phases: DB-225, HP-225, OV-225, Rtx-225, CP-Sil 43, 007-225, BP225

max. temperature for isothermal operation: 260°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 280°C...

 Optima® 5 Amine GC capillary columns for amine separation


especially deactivated for the analysis of polyfunctional amines such as ethanolamines, amino-functionalised diols and similar compounds, which are important base materials in industrial chemistry, and shows strong tailing on standard-deactivated columns; similar phases: Rtx-5 Amine, PTA-5; USP G27 / G36; improved linearity for analyses of active components at trace levels: no amine absorptions even for aliphatic and aromatic amines at concentrations of 100 pg/peak; tested with the Optima...

 OPTIMA® 5 capillary columns for GC


5% phenyl - 95% dimethylpolysiloxane

USP G27, G36 nonpaolar standard phase with large range of application similar phases: Permabond ® SE-52 , SE-54, SE-52, DB-5, HP-5, SPB-5, CP-Sil 8, Rtx-5, 007-5, BP5, MDN-5, AT-5, ZB-5 for columns with 0.1 to 0.32mm ID and films <3µm the max. temperature for isothermal operation is 340°C, the max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme is 360°C for 0.53mm ID columns with films < 3µm the max. temperatures are 320 and 340°C, resp. for thick film columns with films ≥ 3µm the max. temperatures are 300 and 320°C, resp....

 OPTIMA® 5 MS Accent capillary columns for GC


silarylene phase

  • With polarity similar to a 5 % diphenyl -95 % dimethylpolysiloxane phase.
  • USP G27, G36
  • Lowest column bleed, nonpolar phase, ideal for ion trap and quadrupol MS detectors solvent rinsing for removal of impurities applicable
  • Application areas: all-round phase for environmental analyses, trace analyses, EPA methods, pesticides, PCB, food and drug analyses

 OPTIMA® 5 MS capillary columns for GC


5% diphenyl - 95% dimethylpolysiloxane

nonpolar phase with low bleeding, deal for GC/MS and ECD applications and general analyses at trace level perfect inertness for basic compounds.
Similar phases: DB-5 MS, HP-5 MS, Ultra-2, Equity-5, CP-Sil 8 CB low bleed/MS, Rtx-5SIL-MS, Rtx-5 MS, 007-5 MS, BPX5, MDN-5S, AT-5 MS, VF-5 MS....

 Optima® 624 capillary columns for GC


6% cyanopropyl-phenyl - 94% dimethylpolysiloxane

medium polar phase
recommended for environmental analyses
similar phases: HP-624, HP-VOC, DB-624, DB-VRX, SPB-624, CP-624, Rtx-624, Rtx-Volatiles, 007-624, BP624, VOCOL

max. temperature for isothermal operation: 280°C, max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme: 300°C...

 Optima® 624 LB capillary columns for GC


6% cyanopropyl-phenyl - 94% dimethylpolysiloxane

USP G 43
medium polar phase
low bleed columns for halogenated hydrocarbons, volatiles, aromatic compounds, solvents etc.
similar phases: HP-624, HP-VOC, DB-624, DB-VRX, SPB-624, CP-624, Rtx-624, Rtx-Volatiles, 007-624, BP624, VOCOL...

 Optima® FFAP capillary columns for GC


polyethylene glycol 2-nitroterephthalate

close equivalent USP G25 / G35
polar phase
recommended for FAME, free carboxylic acids
similar phases: Permabond FFAP , DB-FFAP, HP-FFAP, CP-Sil 58 CB, 007-FFAP, CP-FFAP CB, Nukol

for columns with 0.10 to 0.32mm ID the max. temperature for isothermal operation is 250°C, the max. temperature for short isotherms in a temperature programme is 260°C for 0.53mm ID columns the max. temperatures are 220 and 240°C, resp....

 Optima® WAX capillary columns for GC


polyethylene glycol 20000 daltons

polar phase
recommended for solvent analysis and alcohols
suitable for aqueous solutions
similar phases: Premabond ® CW 20 M , DB-Wax, Supelcowax, HP-Wax, HP-INNOWAX, Rtx-Wax, CP-Wax 52 CB, Stabilwax, 007-CW, BP20, AT-Wax, ZB-Wax...

 Capillary columns GC BP20

SGE (Trajan)

Polyethylene Glycol phase. GC column for analyses such as alcohol, free acids, fatty acid methyl esters, aromatics, solvents and essential oils. Suitable replacement for: Carbowax 20M, CP-Wax 52 CB, DB-WAX, Elite-WAX, HP-20M, HP-INNOWax RH-WAX, Rtx-Wax, Stabilwax, SUPELCOWAX 10, TG-WaxMS, VF-WAXms, ZB-WAX....

 Capillary columns GC BP21

SGE (Trajan)

Nitroterephtalic acid modified PEG. For low molecular weight acids, alcohols, aldehydes, acrylates and ketones. Suitable replacement for: DB-FFAP, HP-FFAP, Stabilwax-DA, CPWax-58CB.

  • Polar phase
  • Able to be solvent rinsed (water or methanol are not recommended for rinsing)

 Capillary columns GC BP5

SGE (Trajan)

5% Phenyl / 95% Dimethyl Polysiloxane. Low bleed. General purpose GC column for all routine analyses such as aromatics, pesticides, herbicides, hydrocarbons. Suitable replacement for: DB-5, Rtx-5, HP-5, Ultra-2, PTE-5, SPB-5, MDN-5, CP-Sil 8CB, VB-5, ZB-5, VF-5ms....

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