Test tubes

Test tubes are available in various shapes, for example with round, conical or straight bottom as well as with beaded or straight rim. Depending on the type, the test tubes are suitable for chemical reactions, examinations, for storing of small quantities of liquids, cultivation of bacteria and much more. The test tubes can be sealed with plastic foils, aluminium caps, cork or plastic stoppers, Please see the separate section on stoppers, closures and lids.


 Guard columns for EC columns NUCLEODUR® C18 Isis, 3


C18 phase with special polymeric, crosslinked surface modification - USP L1
pore size 110 Å, particle sizes 1,8µm, 3µm and 5µm; 20%C
high steric selectivity
outstanding surface deactivation
suitable for LC/MS due low bleeding characteristics
pH stability 1 - 10
broad range of application: steroids, (o,p,m-) substituted aromatics, fat-soluble vitamins...

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